We honor God when we serve others. His desire was for us to use our diverse types of gifts from Him to benefit those around us.

Faith Lutheran Church hosts the Men’s Bowling Ministry at Beverly Lanes (Arlington Heights). Call the church office to learn more about joining this wonderful league.

Faith Lutheran Church has a long standing tradition of sharing our gifts with God through our congregation. Through wonderful ministry groups, we are able to share our love of The Lord with the surrounding community. For example, our choir and bell ringer ministries perform at Sunday Worship Services as well as special events. Read through the categories and discover where you can donate your gifts at Faith!

Music Ministry

Chancel Choir

This adult choir regularly sings as part of Sunday morning worship, at the10:00 A.M. Worship Services, and is an integral part of special music during festival service and events.  This choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings from 8:pm to 9:pm and meets briefly before Sunday Services.

King’s Ringers

This bell choir rehearses regularly on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 and is open to all who would like to ring (No experience necessary!).  The bell choir participates in Sunday morning services about twice a month, 10:00 A.M. services.

Children and Young Adult

Children’s Sunday school
Grades 1-5 at 9:00am
3yrs-Kindergarden at 9:00am

Young Adult Sunday education

Grades 7th through High School: Sundays between the services from 9:00am – 9:45am the youth will gather in the Youth Room (located on the top floor of the Education Wing). Confirmation class meets 2nd and 4th Sundays with Pastor

A Day Care room is available for parents to take their child, during the church service.


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)

Bringing the love of Christ to our community and organizing events for our church. The LWML is open to new members year-round. Our LWML group meets the second Saturday of every month at 9:00am. Additional events can be found on our Events section.

Men’s Bowling Ministry

Join the men of Faith Lutheran Church each check present scheduling to share in the love of Jesus and the sport of bowling.

prayer shawl ministry images

“Through the power of prayer in the warmth of this shawl, may you feel God’s comfort and love from us all.” -The Prayer Shawl Ministry

Interested in joining one of our ministries and want to get started? Attend one of our events here at church. Our calendar is updated each month with all the fun we have planned. Reach out to [email protected] with any questions you might have beforehand.

Ministry Contacts

IT MinistryBob Hameetman
Women of Faith MinistryRuth Schnittker
LWML Ministry ChairMarilyn Johnson
Altar Guild MinistryJudy Otis
Men’s Bowling MinistryRay Gross
Music MinistryJim Vyhanek
[email protected]
Please contact us with questions and to join our ministries!